Monday 30 January 2012

Toronto Days

I have been feeling a little strange lately. Yes, my life has changed a bit considering I moved from my suburban home in Kitchener to a place in "the City"  a.k.a. Toronto. Instead of rushing off for classes in the morning on the Grand River Transit, I've been taking a combination of buses and subways to get to my cubicle in the downtown office. When I come home, there is no smell of fresh bread or cookies. No murmur of Polish shows on TV. No questions about my day.

Hey, I'm not lonely. I have friends at work and regular girly dates out on the town. I've gone to movies, to cafes, to malls, to sushi bars. I joined the gym at the office. At home I cook, I tidy up my room, do the groceries, the laundry. No, I'm not bored.

The entire time though, I feel like I'm living someone else's life. The looks that I get on the street, on the subway, in the office. They are so cool and calculating, so judgmental. What are they thinking? A girl playing grown-up? Because truthfully, that's how I feel. A little girl wearing her mom's shoes and lipstick.

Will I grow into this role?