This is my 3rd year of university and I have spent every school term at home ( and every off-term as far away as possible). My sister is applying to universities for next year and is making up every excuse to flee the family nest. Apparently I look so miserable all the time, it makes her want to shoot herself...
There are some pros and many cons to living at home when studying at uni and keep in mind that they all also depend on your family and you yourself.
Pros (include and are limited to):
-You save some SERIOUS CASH! The bill for your education will be literally halved if you live at home and do not have to pay for rent and groceries.
-You get ready made meals. This is not really true for me but it is for many of my friends that live at home. What I am glad to have though, is a fridge full of a variety of foods and I do not have to worry about how much it costs or how long I can leave it in the fridge for.
-You know where everything is in town. The best bars, the hipster restaurants, the cheapest grocery stores, the bus terminal etc. I mean who wouldn't be lucky to be friends with you when you are practically an expert on this place!
-You probably already have a bigger group of friends than your out-of-town counterparts.
-Use of family vehicle for travel
-clean bathrooms
Cons (include and are NOT limited to):
-Parents and their rules. I know you are older, but you still live under their roof...
-It is more difficult to make new lasting friendships. You meet a lot of people in your classes and if you are not shy you will have no issues sparking up a conversation. If you are shy, living in residence or with new friends you are forced to get out of your shell and be sociable.
-You are probably further away from the university which means that you will not be coming home between classes. Therefore you live at school. * tip: find a lounge with couches and a cheap coffee place.
-It is loud. I have 2 younger siblings that don't understand that I need perfect peace to understand the theory of communicative rationality.
-Group.Projects. I don't know what you want to get into, but in my program (Planning), there are A LOT of group projects. This means long and unconventional hours. Which means you missing dinner. And the last bus. And being stranded because you do not live in the student neighborhoods/on campus.
- People never come over because it is weird for them.
-You never go over anywhere because it is weird for your parents that you are never home and they are hurt and think you are ignoring them.
-Your friends think that you are ignoring them but you simply have no time because you are either 1) at home 2)going home 3)doing work 4)working a part-time job.
-You do not have a chance to clean your slate. Chances are that many of your high school friends are in the same boat as you and labels tend to stick...
If I had to chose again, would I chose differently? Better question. If I chose differently, would I be someone else?
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